Our Goal

Build the best accountability system for you to make *serious* progress on your goals.

What it’ll look like

  • Community Space

    The crux of our club is a space where you’ll get access to all resources/events/focus sessions + can join challenges + meet people that are working on similar goals to you.

  • 6-10 Week Bootcamps

    If you want to see results in a shorter time period, join one of our focused 6-10 week bootcamps to get time-boxed goal setting, daily check-ins, and weekly accountability calls to help you make rapid progress.

  • 1:1 Accountability Buddies

    Get a 1:1 accountability buddy that will dig deep to understand your blockers, create a game plan, and work with you to see what does/doesn’t work to help you make progress.

  • Tiny & Big Habit Challenges

    We’re gamifying habits for you by creating tools so you can easily start, track, and incorporate new behaviors into your life. Our methods are backed by Stanford’s Behavior Design Lab and adapted for a social community.

    It’ll be fun, it’ll be tiny, and soon, it’ll be seriously big.

  • IRL Events

    In the San Francisco area, we’ll be hosting:

    - Weekly “accountability” hours
    - Monthly “supportability” hours
    - Other fun workshops & social events

  • Questions?

    View our FAQs. Or email us at hello@uraccountabilityclub.com.